How a church organize a wedding


Marriage is a worship

There is nothing wrong with saying that a couple is the star of a wedding. But for a Christian, the primary purpose of life is to glorify God, not to mention your wedding. Essentially, a wedding is the worship of God through the union of a couple. That’s why we call it a “wedding service”, or “wedding” for short.

Pre-Marriage Counseling

The secular world believes that marriage is something that does not have to be learned, or at least can be learned on its own. However, most Christians and their churches believe that marriage requires Bible-based teaching. In my church, for example, it usually takes eight sessions of premarital counseling lasting 3-6 months to successfully complete before a wedding can take place

Wedding place

A congregation is the preferred venue for weddings. However, for a couple in a church that does not have a synagogue or has lost one, the first thing that needs to be determined for a wedding is the venue. The following factors need to be considered in determining the venue.

  • The number of people attending the ceremony. Estimate the number of relatives, friends and church members who will come to the ceremony to determine the number of seats.
  • Budget. In the case of a congregation, the cost of the venue is not a consideration. However, in the case of no synagogue, the venue needs to be paid by the couple and needs to be mutually agreed upon by both parties according to the actual situation.
  • Venue style. Each person’s preferred wedding style is different, and with an appropriate budget, both parties can choose a style that suits them, such as indoor, outdoor; central or suburban with different venue styles.
  • Layout style.

The following are some of the venues available for reference.

Different star hotel ballroom
Park outdoor
Small museums
Live house
Showrooms in large shopping malls
Professional exhibition venues


In secular weddings and wedding receptions throughout China, there are different customs and time periods for choosing the time of the wedding. Our churches generally hold weddings in the afternoon, and it is generally recommended to start within the time period of 14:00 to 15:00 and finish by 16:30. The exact time can be worked out by both parties according to the actual situation. Some of the benefits of holding a wedding in the afternoon are as follows.

  1. No need to get up too early, including the couple, the ministry participants and the people watching the ceremony.
  2. No banquet for church weddings; possible delays in the morning when the ceremony is held will delay the meal for everyone.
  3. The venue requires a lot of flowers to set up; if held in the morning, it would need to be all set up the night before and the flowers may not be fresh.

Invitation list

After the venue and time is indeed good, the couple needs to be determined by the invitation candidates, including

Wedding Process


When is the right time to prepare for the wedding?

If you have started marriage assistance, you can start to prepare some preparations.

What are the fees paid by the newcomer?

In the absence of a synagogue, all expenses related to the wedding need to be paid by the newcomer, including but not limited to: venue fees, decoration costs, required materials, refreshments, etc.; if the church is still available, there is no venue fee.

The service of the church is limited to manpower. If the fee is advanced, the consent of the newcomer is required.

Why don’t you give gifts and newcomers treat?

The primary purpose of the wedding is to witness the glory of God. The wedding of the friends is a blessing to the newlyweds and a worship to God. It is the most important thing for newcomers to get everyone’s blessings.

From a practical point of view, in a larger church, if there are more weddings a year, giving gifts will impose a financial burden on friends, and attending a wedding will lose the meaning of blessing.

If you are both a friend and a good friend of a newcomer, gift-giving is a category of private intercourse, which should be held before (after) of the wedding. However, if the newlywed holds some positions in the church, they must abide by the relevant rules for receiving gifts in the church.

What if a friend sends gifts at the wedding?

When many unbelieving relatives and friends attend the wedding, it may involve gift-giving situations. The newlyweds should designate 1-2 relatives and friends to record and keep the gifts received.

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